Lately I've made it a practice to notice and observe the inner voice of my left brain. This is the ongoing dialogue inside my head that informs me of logistics, to-do items, comments, comparisons, etc.
It sounds something like "don't forget to do call this person, I'm hot, I'm tired, I'm not sure how to do this, I don't know enough, there's not enough time to do what I have to do..." There seems to be 3 general categories of the left-brain dialogue. I see them as:
1) helpful sorting of information in order to make a decision or take an action
2) unhelpful comments based in insecurity
3) manager/boss type comments about action items, to-do's, etc
I decided to play with these voices and interact with it a little differently. I began to see the "insecure" comments as needy children wanting my attention (perhaps parts of me that had "split off" or didn't get what they needed).
Instead of trying to ignore them or push them away, I simply listened from my right brain (the compassionate, neutral observer) and every time I'd hear a comment, I'd simply say to it, "thank you, I love you." (derived from the Ho'oponopono Hawaiian Prayer).
I saw the manager voice as the CEO in my head trying to keep me on track. Instead of getting stressed or reacting to the voice, I again said, "thank you, I love you."
I did this over and over consistently for a full 2 days. After a while, they began to quiet down. In fact at one point, when the manager/CEO stood up to tell me something to do, I started to say, "thank...." and it interrupted me and said, "yeah, yeah, I got it." and it "sat down" and became quiet. It was quite humorous!
It was a great experiment in shifting to the right brain throughout my day, and taking action from a place of true power, calm and clarity. It found it liberating and expanding. The left-brain voices are part of me...but they don't need to run the show. Of course, it is an ongoing practice from here.
Action: Try noticing your own inner voices, and experiment with interacting with them a little differently. Find a way that feels right to you to give them what they need, without giving them all of your power.